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Lumpfish Roe 100g Jar
The lumpfish's lot is not a happy one; for a start it's plain ugly with it's lumps and spines all over it. Secondly it's full of bones and tastes pretty foul although a few Scandinavians still eat it and finally if you are a male lumpfish then you are no use to anyone apart from a female who may find you attractive. She has the roe which is actually very nice to eat, this is not the poor man's caviar as some may say but a delicacy to add to any seafood dish.
The roe is actually a greenish brown colour so it's dyed black or red to make it look like caviar or salmon roe, just click the drop-down box to select your chosen variety but they both taste the same.
The roe is actually a greenish brown colour so it's dyed black or red to make it look like caviar or salmon roe, just click the drop-down box to select your chosen variety but they both taste the same.
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